As promised, more info on the whys and the whens of all this. In fact, even for some of you who already know me, this whole ordeal does come as a big surprise.
I waited to write about it for several reasons. First of all, it looks to me like such a huge project and life changing experience that it still seems very unreal.
But last week I actually went to visit Whizzie in Ireland and all the words, plans and dreams suddenly took shape. It was real, it was there. Grass, pastures, bogs, cabin and all that. It was fucking paradise and it became a lot more real. And scary.
There were also a lot of other reasons why I kept silent about my intentions. The first one is that until a few weeks ago I didn't really know if what I considered to be my life partner for the past 6 years or so would like to go for it. As it turned out, she doesn't considered herself be my life partner any longer. So yes, sure it will be harder but at least I won't have to worry about the weight of responsibility towards her. I'll actually have to worry about getting my mental health back after this major blow. But that is another story altogether and has no place in this blog.
Another important reason to wait and be cautious was that there are other people involved and I really wanted to make sure we were all happy about the plan and liked each other. The first one is Sir Lynex who bought the farm with Whizzie and I never met before. Whizzie's friends are usually awesome but you never know, there is always the odd weirdo in there :). Sir Lynex is from the awesome category of friends and although is not a permanent resident of the farm yet, we will definitely enjoy each other's company. The second is P. (see first post), who I have known for quite some time now. She is supposed to get very involved and until a couple of weeks ago we only discussed options through skype and without having seen the land. It was all up in the air. The visit to the farm has had a big booster effect for her. And last but not least, Tom J., Whizzie's boyfriend, who clearly will be part of the picture and will be a huge asset for the farm with his skills and knowledge. Tom won't need a nickname :)
We all clicked. At least that was the feeling. Still, we have a long way in front of us and we'll have to come up with a detailed business plan to fit necessities and time frames.
So, these are the actors. Next week you'll get to know a lot more about the actual farm, its layout and the land characteristics.